Women wearing mens boxer breifs
Women wearing mens boxer breifs

women wearing mens boxer breifs

Of those who said they primarily wear men’s underwear, the majority were younger women between the ages of 18–34. To get a sense of what women are actually wearing, we asked 1,000 women what type of underwear they primarily wear: women’s or men’s? Despite the fact that over half of women think it’s socially acceptable to sport men’s undies in theory, only eight percent say they primarily wear them. Only 8% of Women Wear Men’s Underwear in Daily Life When asked if they thought it should be socially acceptable for women to primarily wear men’s underwear in place of underwear traditionally for women, 58% of respondents said yes.Īge played a role in whether or not our respondents thought swapping men’s undies for women’s was a socially acceptable style - women ages 18–24 were the most in favor, while women over 65 were the most opposed. Style is all about comfort and personal preference - and when it comes to wearing men’s undies, women seem all for it. Over Half of Women Think It Should Be Socially Acceptable to Primarily Wear Men’s Underwear How age impacts what women think about underwear - and what they wear.The number of women who prefer men’s underwear over women’s underwear.How many women think it should be socially acceptable to wear men’s underwear.Read on to learn more about women’s thoughts on wearing men’s underwear, which includes: To find out, we asked 1,000 women whether or not they think it’s socially acceptable to wear men’s underwear - and it looks like the majority have no qualms with it. As unisex clothing becomes more commonplace, and more in vogue, we were curious to see if the trend translated for beyond outerwear.

women wearing mens boxer breifs

Low-rise or high-waisted? Skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans? Thongs or boyshorts? When it comes to personal style, we all have our preferences - and underwear is no different.

Women wearing mens boxer breifs